SCOOP 2ª parte del juego de POKERSTARS

martes, 23 de marzo de 2010 15:26 Publicado por Unknown
Acabo de ver el correo y me ha llegao la segudna fase del juego del SCOOP de POKERSTARS, se trata de poner una frase con SCOOP POKER TOURNAMENT y enlazarla a su pagina..

he second phrase we would like you to use in your blog article is "SCOOP Poker Tournament" and the entire phrase is to link to our SCOOP website

Tambien me han enviado un calendario con todos los torneos :)

Some quick SCOOP 2010 stats:
• Total Guaranteed Prize Pool: $45,000,000
• Number of Events: 38
• Lowest Buy-In: $11
• Highest Buy-In: $10,300

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